Smart Moves
Nomination Information
Quarterly Nominees
Quarterly Winners



What is the Smart Moves Program?
The Smart Moves Program is an initiative designed to recognize proactive use of technology within state government.  Agencies are being encouraged to improve operational efficiency and simplify the bureaucratic process by implementing programs that utilize electronic commerce or Internet-based procedures. 

The success of these new programs is crucial to the growth of Arkansas.  For this reason, it is vitally important to recognize these agencies with the foresight and determination to make e-government available to not just our citizens, but everyone interacting with Arkansas State Government world-wide.

Who is eligible for nomination?
Any state government entity — including departments, boards, commissions or associations that receive state funding — is eligible for nomination.  Nominations may be submitted by anyone within the organization and will be verified for authenticity by INA.  Agencies may also be re-nominated as new technology is introduced within the organization.

Upon verification, the entries will be reviewed by the INA board and a quarterly finalist will be named.  The finalist will be submitted to the Governor for approval.  The Smart Moves Award will be presented to the director or commissioner of the agency by the Governor.

How will my agency benefit from Smart Moves?
In addition to recognition from the governor, the Smart Moves program will increase awareness of these innovative programs by:
Featuring the agency and description of the initiative on this website which will be linked from the State of Arkansas website and the winning agencies site.
Submitting press releases outlining the agency and initiative to statewide print and broadcast media as well as national government publications.
Sending an e-mail notification to all state employees and inclusion in the quarterly INA eGovernment Newsletter.

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